Allan's Blog

5th January 2014

   I hope everyone had a great Xmas and New Year and managed to get more than a few games, unfortunately I spent a lot of the time  working as we move into the New Year lots of new figures underway, and things are looking good even if I say so myself, pictures of some of the greens will be in the special offer section in the next week or so.

   If you are interested and thanks to those who have already placed orders contact us before the deadline of the 28th February to save the 25% discount. If this goes well I am hoping to be able to put up our next release, this will be for July and will be more 15mm Napoleon in Egypt, and the first of our WW1 range, we have already been discussing the figures, and I've always wanted a Mamelukes army lots of cavalry - the list we have as a working guide at the moment has 30 variants of cavalry. But don't worry we also are bringing out for July some more Crimean (Marching British Infantry in full uniform and in Greatcoat and Generals), ECW cavalry commands and some new AWI.

   At this point I would like people to put suggestions to us about the figures we are missing from the ranges so we can help complete some of the armies you have on the go or additional enemies I want to  do some more biblical  and am taken with doing a Early Hebrew, or a Mycenaean not decided, but let me know especially as sometimes we miss figures meaning to come back and we forget - its probably my age, your help in an e ,ail would be really appreciated

   More news we are hoping to have some details of a joint project we are working on with S and A Scenics, new figures new period cant say much at the moment but the website will hopefully be ready to go in February so watch this space or wait for the new sites URL at least.

   So that's it just wanted to touch base its been a busy few months and lots of new stuff for the site due and new goodies with plenty offers on the way. one last appeal anyone who has some painted miniatures of ours we can use on the site in the gallery or else where please let us have them, it will be worth your while being a contributor.......

Happy Gaming guys and remember its only a hobby its meant to be fun fun fun



26th November 2013


      Its nearly Xmas and our sale starts on Friday, time to complete those armies or buy some new and save a heap of cash lol, just in time for the sale we are releasing the  following New figures

15mm Tibetans for our Nineteenth Century Asia Range

15mm Napoleonic - Austrian Jager (AN07), Austrian Grenze (AN10)

                           - Russian Jager Skirmishing (RN09)

                           - Prussian Jager (PN04)

15mm Revolutionary Wars - French Heavy Cavalry(RWF13)


We have more in the pipeline for December including New Napoleonic Spanish and New Indian Mutiny

       Our over worked designers me included are starting our 2014 release next week I am posting the lists of the initial figures in January, the ranges are 15mm  Early Crusaders and 15mm Sikh Wars, and hopefully some pictures of some codes from this release.

        Now for something different a friend and customer wrote the following poetry hope you like :


"Oh what a lovely war"

Last night a war took place where no-one died.
It took place in a pub in Camden Town.
With several hundred soldiers on each side
Who represented armies of renown.
Commanding generals, well-supplied with beer
Deployed their armies on the battlefield
Where not one soldier manifested fear
Or ran way, or tried to hide or yield.
For nearly three full hours the armies battled
And by that time the fighting was all done.
'Twas sound of dice, not musketry, which rattled
The generals shook hands and agreed who'd won,
Then left without a shred of shame or guilt
For in a wargame, no-one's blood is spilt.





The Generals

“Good evening there, Andy” the General said

When I met him last night on our way to the pub,

And we carried in holdalls our legions of lead

As we both made our way to the wargaming club


Where we led our lead armies to glory or death

On a 6 x 4 table of green mdf

Against generals called Simon or Alan or Geoff.


Harry Patch


Harry Patch

was the last of the batch

of those packed and despatched

to the slaughtering match.

He survived 90 years

after hell in the trenches

to remind us all

of the grave consequences

when we send men to war

with no coherent plan,

like the hundreds killed so far

in Afghanistan.


 The Veteran

“ Grandad, what did they give you those medals for?”

“Standing in mud in a hole in the ground,

Watching my mates being cut down by the score

Lying in mud till the medics came round.


 Wielding a rifle in snow, sleet and rain

Trying at all times to keep the thing dry,

Marching with full kit, which caused my back strain,

From one place to another to see more men die…


Eating foul rations, whether hot warm or cold;

Being abused by the sergeant; screamed at or worse;

Having many a comrade who never grew old;

Learning to say “Yes, sir” “No, sir”, and curse.


“Did  you kill any enemies?” “I really can’t tell.”

I was too busy dodging machine gun and shell

And trying to cope with my terrible fears.

 “Where did you march to, during those years?” 


“Don’t know. They were spots which were marked on a map.

There were some happy moments, but mostly not fun.

I Thank God I survived without major mishap

And when it was over they told us we’d won..   "


The Fighter Ace

 "Rat tat tat" went the guns of the Spitfire

 And the Messerschmitt blew up; Kaboom!

As the RAF pounced.

The 109 bounced

When it crashed to the floor in my room.


My planes were all purchased from Airfix

And built with instructions as written.

Then, glued with epoxy

And with these, by proxy

We re-fought the Battle of Britain.



Our young lives were never in danger

And we were just playing, it's true.

But by having fun

Whilst battling the Hun

We paid our respects to the Few.


Amongst the Roman Consuls Incitatus was unique
Though several historians regard him as a freak.
The Emperor Caligula, assured of his divinity
Promoted Incitatus, which he viewed with equine-imity
He could not speak in the Senate or lead legionaries in force
Due to the simple fact that Incitatus was a horse.


Pyrrhus of Epirus, who terrorised Rome
Paid a visit to Argos and he ain't going home.
Once so full of life, he is now lying dead
'Cos an evil old bat threw a tile at his head.
Though his army had elephants, swords and sarissas
They could not protect him from this missile-armed Missus.

To have a fine son was King Henry's main hope.
When Queen Kate couldn't have one, he petitioned the Pope.
"If I make a donation, can I have a divorce?".
When the Pope said "No". Henry resorted to force.
There then followed decades of turmoil and strife
Whilst Henry kept changing his previous wife.
Two more Kates, two Annes and a lady called Jane
Still the search for the perfect wife ended in vain.
We now know why Henry spent so long at war.
He was steering well clear of his mothers-in-law.


Andy Finkel




30th October2013

Another show over and another approaching, thanks again for the support at Fiasco in Leeds, a nice show put on by Leeds wargame club at the Armouries - always worth a visit. The next show is the Reading show - Warfare one of my favourites well worth a visit with everything from a competition to demos, a bring and buy and the trade, lots of parking what more could you want, pop along for a chat and a new army at the show.

New figures are  arriving now, our new 15mm 19th Century Tibetans will be in the Preview section tomorrow hopefully for release in late November - its all go, preparing for the show and looking forward to the figures planned for the New Year.  We are planning on putting the coming soon list of New Figures on the site to show where we are going and hopefully inspire feedback. There are lots of suggestions from people already and next time I'm hoping to share these ideas so if you have any suggestions let me know.

Finally on this short addition to the blog I would like to mention the untimely death of a friend of many many years and so many games, Andrew Birch, he was a character and fanatical wargamer and will be missed, I know most of you wont know him but its a sobering thought we are all getting older so enjoy your gaming and remember the old adage "a wargamer cant die as long as he has a pile of lead to paint" , it would be bad form

19th November 2013

Thanks for the  support at the last show in Reading, the show was a little slow but overall a great weekend talking to everyone and planning the New releases for the early part of 2014, already underway are 15mm Crusades with many more ranges following.

I have been sent lots of pictures of figures painted by you and I am very very grateful, I hope we get many more promised pics for the gallery, its nice to see the different styles of painting and basing, so a big thank you to you all.

With the shows over for this year we are planning a re vamp of the trade stand, the first is our link to S and A Scenics we will be attending more shows and so will Simon, and we will be carrying more stock of each other. The other is a display to show some of our figures painted and much more to help find those elusive packs on the racks, or as a customer called it at Reading the Wall of Temptation lol.

So another year is drawing to an end we have our final releases out in the next week or two, the 15mm Tibetans, Napoleonic Spanish, Prussians, Russians and Austrians plus a smattering of other figures, watch out for the e mail we will send out when the moulds are all complete.

Finally we will be doing some more work on the site and for those wanting the lists of the coming ranges all these will be listed and a few sample miniatures pictured

Once again thanks for the support we have received at the shows or mail order its nice to hear from you and we do try to take in mind all suggested additions to help build those armies, a big thank you from all of us

7th October 2013

Thanks for all the support at the World championships, I had a great show, saw and talked to loads of people with some ideas on new ranges and additions, also saw a fab Crimean game using our figures, there will be a gallery folder soon to show the snaps I took

I cant believe only two shows to go this year, Fiasco and Warfare, two good shows and new releases for both, our 15mm Teutonic's  at Fiasco and samples of our 19th century Tibetan, then release of our new Naps and Tibetans at Warfare, such a busy year.

Next year should be busier still some hints are 15mm Early Crusader, our El Cid the Reconquista  some Crimean War additions, more Napoleonic's, more British Colonial and Zulu, our 2nd part Indian Mutiny release and our Sikh wars release and more additions to Marlburian, ECW and 7yrs war hope there is something there to get your interest.

I have nearly painted the first unit of my Teutonic army I will put it up on the Teutonic listing soon, got to base it yet, enjoyed doing it but still wading through my 7yrs War armies, Austrians underway and  inspired by a big painting order decided my Austrian needs Bavarian Allies, sometimes I think I'm mad but these things have got to be done to keep our interest.

The free rules have been popular there are more to follow and some army lists, in the meantime for those of you playing black powder we have some local amendments to add in the next few days, to add what we think as flavour for the various periods we play, so if you have these very playable rules you might want to pop there and have a look see if there for you, or you could pop to warlord and buy a set they are an interesting fun way to spend an afternoon.

That's it for now, finally to add if you want anything for Fiasco or Warfare you might want to order to avoid disappointment, especially the Army packs and standard packs which we don't carry to the shows. Keep gaming  and may all your dice throw a plus


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