12th June 2016
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Its been nearly a year since my last Blog, lots of reasons no excuses, so sorry for not keeping you in the loop on plans etc but lets rectify this now.
Our new 18mm ACW range is coming on line in a couple of weeks, thanks to all those pre orders and we are already working on our next addition to the range for October watch this space
Our next project is a large one, something for several months we have been talking to people about our 18mm Napoleon in Egypt range, we have gleaned that what you want from an initial range is, well everything so we are trying to get a balanced list together and we will publish it here and in our Future ranges section hopefully next week.
If your interested please let us know what you think and as its a biggy we are asking for people to pledge so we can see demand and hopefully do the whole range together and those who are interested to pre order can take advantage of our special offer so watch this space.
Next month we will be releasing more Napoleonic 15mm cavalry - Austrian, Prussian, Polish and much more
Lots in the pipeline and even more Ill tell you about later, take care and enjoy your gaming.