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15mm English Civil War

15mm English Civil War
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ARP022 - English Civil War/TYW Artillery Park

ARP022 - English Civil War/TYW Artillery Park


contains 8 cannon ( 4 heavy, 2 medium and 2 light pieces) and 32 artillery Crew

ARP023 - Scottish Artillery Park (ECW)

ARP023 - Scottish Artillery Park (ECW)


contains 8 cannon ( 4 heavy, 2 medium and 2 light pieces) and 32 artillery crew

EBP506 - Reiter/ECW Lobsters

EBP506 - Reiter/ECW Lobsters


contains 24 mounted figures

EBP520 - English Civil War/TYW Foote

EBP520 - English Civil War/TYW Foote


contains 50 foot figures ( 16 pikemen and 34 shot)

EBP521 - English Civil War/TYW Cavalry

EBP521 - English Civil War/TYW Cavalry


contains 24 mounted

EBP522 - English Civil War/TYW Dragoons

EBP522 - English Civil War/TYW Dragoons


contains 12 mounted.12 dismounted and 12 horses

EBP523 - English Civil War/TYW Cavalry Charging

EBP523 - English Civil War/TYW Cavalry Charging


contains 24 mounted figures

EBP540 - Scottish Foote/Pike and Shot

EBP540 - Scottish Foote/Pike and Shot


contains 50 foot figures ( 16 pike and 34 shot)

EBP541 - Scottish Cavalry

EBP541 - Scottish Cavalry


contains 24 mounted

EBP542 - Scottish Dragoons

EBP542 - Scottish Dragoons


contains 12 mounted , 12 dismounted and 12 horses

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